Every kid's dream is realized with this Cassette.
Sorry if the quality is bad on some songs, but all of these bands come from different backgrounds. There is absolutely no consistency with quality on this one, since everyone apparently used different recording equipment. Also to add to it, the entire project was on ice for about 5 years. But shit, please don't complain, because there is sooo much good shit on here: Palatka, Katastrofialue, Assholeparade, Kung-Fu Rick, Pretentious Assholes, Warsore, Godstomper, and the End of the Century Party. That's only all of the bands that I've heard of before. There's so much from other bands from all around the world, there's no reason to complain. It's great.
1. Stuck Here (SLD)
2. Mouth (Fat Day)
3. Bury You (Assholeparade)
4. Passin' Thru (Assholeparade)
5. There Are Times (Eurich)
6. Prototype (Mrtva Budoucnost)
7. Cant' Tell No One [Negative Approach Cover] (Mrtva Budoucnost)
8. Public Smoking Banishment (Kung-Fu Rick)
9. Android (Dead End)
10. Shit Breath Dog (President's Choice)
11. Hail To Nowhere (D.P.P.S)
12. When Freedom Dies (Autoritar)
13. Touch Of Death (Autoritar)
14. Think Of Theft (Vilently Ill)
15. Itsemurhaaarrgh (Katastrofialue)
16. Epatoivo (Katastrofialue)
17. Rock Star (Palatka)
18. Rave (Chapter 13)
19. Starz And Barz (Chapter 13)
20. Fuck The Christians (Pretentious Assholes)
21. The Joke's On You (Pretentious Assholes)
22. Bastard (Crooked Cops)
23. Ei Kuulu Mulle (Epajarjestys)
24. Lupaus (Epajarjestys)
25. Chronic Waste (Warsore)
26. Suicide Bomber (Warsore)
27. Nunca Cambies (Denak)
28. Basta! (Denak)
29. Taco Bell Is Closed Forever (Godstomper)
30. Spawn Of The Lord Balzac (Godstomper)
31. Lactose (Godstomper)
32. Circles Gather (The End Of The Century Party)
33. Swear The Barrel (The End Of The Century Party)