Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Ed Kemper Trio - Hack(ed)

Look what I came across finally! Fuck yeah! This has to be one of the best rock albums in the past 10 years, easily. Raw, noisy indie rock out of Montgomery, Alabama. Nice album to "pot rock" to, heh. Evey song just gets so intense, it's crazy, I tell ya. Not quite as good as How to win a Swordfight, but it's a fucking close case. Favorite song is "My Pants, On Fire," but almost every song on here kicks just as hard. These guys have been a huge influence to me in my playing, so I'm glad as hell that I finally found this album, along with two others of theirs. I'll be posting those as time goes on, too, so get ready...


1. The Black List
2. Walks With A Limp
3. Post-Rock Reply
4. My Pants, On Fire
5. The Shoes of the Chief Justice's Wife...
6. ... Are Some Suck-Assed Slippers
7. A Big Time
8. The Art Of Not Listening
9. Horns And A Tail
10. Lower G.I. Joe
11. When It's Too Much
12. People Will Eat Anything
13. #7 Needs Title

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. It's been years since I've seen these guys.
