Thursday, June 30, 2011

William Bowers - Soundtrack #2

Another one from Already Dead Tapes, a bit different than anything else I've ever had on here; this one is an ambient album. The songs leave you in an almost brain-dead state, clearing the mind of all but subconscious thought. Your breathing slows; you float. It's like a soundtrack to cloudwatching; but hey, the label describes it better than I ever could:

William Bowers works primarily in synthesizer, tape, piano, and musique concrete to form a very desolate, cold ambiance. Drawing heavy influence from composers such as Basinski, David Lynch, Philip Glass, and Silas Ciarán, Bowers focuses on mood and atmosphere versus technical composition.

Already Dead Tapes, from their catalog that I've heard so far, has been squeezing out awesome experimental noise/rock/whathaveyou, but being relatively new, I'm getting excited to see what else they'll have to offer in the future. You can listen and download it from here:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Streets of Rage - EDQ

It's been a long time since I really enjoyed a new hardcore/punk band playing an old-school style, the last one coming to mind is maybe Surf Nazis Must Die. Maybe.... Streets of Rage are fitting into that category of long-lost raw energy, ladies n' gents. Sounding like a sort of cross between old Descendents and Flag of Democracy, they bring back nostalgic memories of hanging out in front of Cumberland Farms getting slushies and Hot Pockets and just plain not giving a fuck.

All the songs are real short and energetic, with subject matter ranging from blowing a chance with a cute girl to looking to the future, and other Milo-esque rants. When I hear music like this, I just can't help thinking back to a time of my life where every weekend was an adventure, a road trip, and an excuse to abuse our freedom as minors (cuz we're all 18 eventually).

1. No Ablo
2. I'm Gone
3. EDQ
5. Dunno Yet, Maybe
6. Smmer
7. Nu Jazz

All there is left to say about it is fucking think back to high school, and get it hear, ya here?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

bbigpigg - Phantom Photography EP

bbigpigg out of Brooklyn, NY is a noise-rock band, and they're just fine with that. They remind one of Arab on Radar, AIDS Wolf, and Child Abuse, with swinging lazer-guitars and fat bass, constantly colliding with each other, with only a mid-tempo drumset to hold it together. Sprinkled atop is what I can only describe as "that faded jeans' megaphone sound" type vocals, shouting out prose and speculation on the like of everyone's angsty problems. You know, trees, sex dolls, and the like.

"in my dreams i use my arms and legs again like i used to live. i remember when pissy sheets was the worst of my problems. then i lost control of my limbs"
"Harry Eastlack"

bbigpigg seems to go for the more danceable approach in their realm of sound while still upholding the standard abrasiveness that you might come to expect from self-proclaimed noise-rockers. I feel as though the album goes on for way longer than its just-short-of-16-minutes existence, making for a nice lengthy groove to move to. They had a very nice press kit, too... Check out thar EP for free download folks, you can get it here!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Divorce Party - Astrocongertion Oporium

It's about due time that my motivational lapse has come to an end. I suck, I know, sorry guys...Divorce Party had asked me to review their first demo way back sometime in 2010 (I believe) and now, halfway through this wondrous year, I am getting off my lazy ass (figuratively speaking, of course) and finally gettin' this shit public, yo.

I'm actually glad that I waited, in one way at least, for this group of Michigan-ites pull together even better recordings than on the last one. Taking dancey rock forms and blending it with hard electronics and synth sounds, the songs chirp and bend jaggedly, more spasm than song at times.

Every song feels like it's trying to rip itself apart. Evey claustrophobic note takes you further into their racing rhythm, leaving very little room to breathe. And to top it off, the entire EP is only about 10 minutes long. Having never seen these guys live, I can only imagine, but I feel like their live performance might be on par with a Red Bull-induced heart attack. Wicked awesome, dood! (and other Boston-bro terminology).

Check them out if you're into the likes of DD/MM/YYYY and Gay Beast, but also if pulling into new areas of sound happens to be your thing. You know what? Just give 'em a listen and like it.

you can download both of their EPs here:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Forget the Times - Escape from the Planet of Llamas

Out of Kalamazoo, MI, come these folks, dubbing themselves FORGET THE TIMES, wielding their swaying rhythms of broken guitar melodies and jazzy swagger. At times completely chaotic, other times slightly more relaxed (slightly), but all the while a feeling of panic and confusion soaks the songs. For free improv, jazz influenced noise rock, these guys is hip.

Escape from the Planet of Llamas was released on cassette by Already Dead, a recently new tape and vinyl label also based out of Kalamazoo, MI, co-run by Sean Hartman of this very band. The first two songs, 'Early Morning Rabbit Hole' and 'Ponchos and Python Boots,' fully let the listener know what they're in for; the tight spasms of three layered guitars and a lone drummer, all attacking each other for control over the bystanders' ears. This in turn moved onto the epic 12 minute jam, 'Beau Soleil Moon Frye,' and the most frantic song on the album, 'Flying V Gtr Made Of Real Live Honking Geese.' Every now and then you can catch a glimpse of some of their influences, namely U.S. Maple or Captain Beefheart for the off-kilter songs and harmony. A great part of me hears some Gorge Trio thrown in there, with the improv jams of a constructed nature.

The album plays out like a post-apocalyptic landscape, constantly mutating and adapting itself to destroy us. But the beauty is, you can listen to the entire thing on their bandcamp, RIGHT NOW! And you can download it for $1, or for free in the link below. Or get a hard copy through the mail from Already Dead Tapes, go to their website for more info. Keep an eye out for these guys, they'll be on tour, you can see their schedule on their bandcamp.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Moisture Throne - DEEP

Here is one great little album/song from the two Cruiser pals, but what a huge difference. Encompassing everything epic, tropical, progressive and amazing, this roughly 25 minute track will make your ears spin. However, the only thing that this group has in common with Cruiser is the drummer, whereas the guitarist has moved over to play bass. They are joined by two friends, one joining in on guitar, the other sporting a shiny new keyboard, and all joining in on vocals.

This has been one of the biggest surprises to come my way in some time, further restoring the faith that not everyone has dried up. Check out and download the track here, at I really wish there were some way to describe this band, and the only word that comes to mind are 'cosmic.'

I vote this, on a scale from 1 to 10, a "Super Whoa."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am going to be working on getting a ton of shit re-organized on this little ol' site o' mine, I'm honestly getting tired of doing it the way I have been (not to mention all those days without any new music updates...sorry). I'd much rather be into letting unknown bands get some extra exposure than just posting stuff I like. So, I'm going to declare/warn you folks right now, a lot of the music on here may disappear. I'm going to put together a giant post with links to the music, so you will still be able to access them, but the posts themselves will die. Some of the music itself will be deleted, either dead links or stuff you can get anywhere, and you don't need my shabby help to find. I've looked at some of the things I've posted since I began and I just want to shed some extra weight. I think that a true DIY attitude and good music are sadly scarce these days, a lot of the time people forming bands not to create good music but to gain bragging rights, lame girlfriends, and social acceptance in lieu of learning to play their instruments. So I say FUCK THAT. It's time....

Commence the reconstruction.